Demeter is the goddes of agriculture. She's kind and good.She has got a daughter.Her name is Persephone and she is very beautiful.
Hades is the god of the underworld. One day, Hades sees the reflection of Persephone in a pool. He falls in love with her immediately. Hades goes to Olympus to find Zeus, Persephone's father. "I love her" he says. "Please give her to me, Zeus. I want to marry her"
"Let me think about it" Zeus says.
But Hades is impatient and he goes to find Persephone. She´s picking flowers in the fields. Suddenly, the ground moves and an enormous hole appears in the ground. Then, the big hand of Hades pulls her into the hole. Persephone disappears.
Demeter tries to find Persephone. "Where's my beautiful daughter?" she ask. "I can't live without her", she says.
"Hades, the end of the Earth is near"says Hermes "Demeter doesn't care about agriculture now. The mortals are dying because there isn't any food"
Hades thinks about the problem. It's a hard decision. But Persephone has eaten seven pomegranate seeds and the law of the underworld says: "When a person eats the food of the dead they must stay here for eternity"
We don't want the end of the world, but Persephone can't stay on Earth" Zeus says. "We must find a solution to the problem"
The gods have a meeting and they show compassion for Demeter "Persephone must stay three months of the year with Hades in the underworld, and nine months with Demeter on Earth"
When Persephone returns to the underworld the Earth becomes cold, and there aren't any plants. This is the winter. Then, Persephone come back, and the Earth comes to life again. This is the spring. This is why we have got different seasons.
1-How many gods are in the story?
2-Why the mortals are in danger?
3-What happens when Persephone returns to the underworld?
4-Do you know who is Hermes?
5- What happens when a person eats the food of the dead?
6-What is a pomegranate?
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